Settling In

It got cold. Berlin cold. Walking through the concrete canyons of Manhattan on my way to work, the wind whipped my cheeks into a burning redness I could do little to prevent. It reminded me of “the good ol’ days”. Half the work I do takes place in a new office … I’m actually the first person to sit at its desk. It is so new that the windows haven’t been corked and the door hasn’t been sealed. Thus, a draft filled the room, giving a constant reminder of just how nasty it was outside. We spent the morning at our computers decked out in scraves and hats. We made it though. And no frostbite to show for it.

In other news, I found a place to live. I’m stoked, as I should be. I had no idea the relief I would feel once I had that last piece of the puzzle taken care of. Now I can finally start to settle in. The flat is in Prospect Heights (Brooklyn), about 953 steps north of Prospect Park. Summer, here I come! I’m sharing the flat with two other roomates, a guy from N’awlins and a girl from SoCal. Really chill, friendly, good people (or so they play themselves off to be) - I’m looking forward to grilling some food with them on our roof or our fire-escape or playing soccer in the kitchen or learning to use a sewing machine. All that, PLUS, my tiny room comes with a window! We’re talking luxury here! Book your night now, because floor space is going fast!

I’ll miss the flat I’m in right now though. Actually, not so much. But it has been an interesting situation. I paid my weekly rent but leaving the cash under the matress of my bed: Sometime during the week the Rent-Fairy would sweep in and leave another weeks stay under my pillow. Then there’s the Polish deli next door (I’ve been treating myself to a veritable Polish feast the past two weeks). And no flat would be complete without the neighborhood bar. Really, truly, everyone there knows your name (my name included). And they even show Texas basketball games! When Texas wins, people there buy me a drink. When Texas loses… they still buy me that drink. I gotta stop by more often!


I Got Nothing Compared to These Guys


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