Paradise Found

Weather: The sun dissapeared today. It kinda ruined my plans of spending the day on the beach.

CD: I could hear the church choir singing on Easter morning from my bed. That counts as going to church, right?

<strong>New Pictures Added Here</strong>

I found where God hides Heaven and it is called Dubrovnik. Even when it rains the city is amazing. I just added pictures—enjoy the splendors.

The past few days have consisted little more than of lying by the beach or walking around inside the city walls. I made it out to an island which should have been referred to as a lesson in "How to Disappear Completely". After finding solitude at the top of a cragy volcano, I moved camp down to the beach and layed out. The only person I saw in the hour and a half I was sprawled out in the sun was my reflection in the crystal blue water.

Today its off to the islands. Tomorrow Sarajevo. Day after that Split. Then the long arduous trip back North to Berlin begins. I don’t want to leave!


Flying Solo in Sarajevo


Viva la Croatie!!!