Now Listen Here

Watch yourself Chad.I see that glimmer in your eye. The extra kick in your step. The way you bounce out of bed in the morning, excited to greet the day.I remember you telling me about being young in Berlin, how you would curse the night knowing that it brought the wasted hours of sleep. It wasn't uncommon that tears would gather while you laid in bed you said, knowing that one more day was gone.You're getting that feeling again, aren't you. Muted in its intensity, as all things are with age, but it's there. You're falling in love with Dublin.It feels good, no doubt. Even with the stresses of late hours at work, it's brought out a sense of youthfulness to you. You're smiling again. Did you know your nickname in a certain company back in Austin was "Sad Chad?" It's true. I'm glad to see you've shaken that.But be careful! This love is unsustainable. You know your time here is limited. Enjoy this time with the city, but avoid getting too attached. You'll only have your heart broken in the end.Then again, as Dublin's own Oscar Wilde wrote, "the heart was made to be broken."


Home Away from Home: The Pub


Our Dub, Your Valentine