Mullets are not cool, no matter how you justify them

Weather: It’s getting hot in herre…. already took off my clothes

CD: The Jayhawks

Just got my hair cut by the lovely Christina, Ulla’s daughter (Ulla being the bartender at the pub downstairs). She does a really good job (especially with the hair washing/scalp massage - an amazing experience I recommend to any and all. Though I have to ask: Does Christina give me a couple of extra rubs on the head because I damage my liver on a regular basis in her mother’s pub? Or is she just an amazing hair washer? Questions needing answers…).Point of the story: no matter how many hairdressers I visit and how hard I press, no hairdresser in Europe has ever given me a solid clean-up to the back of the head. There’s always just a bit too much hair left back there for comfort. Its not a Mullet hanging out back there, but it certainly doesn’t help to create a mulletless situation. Say a gust of wind picks up the back of the hair one day while you’re at the park… you suddenly pick up that whole Brandenburg/Arkansas vibe and nobody needs that.

I can’t blame the hairdressers though. Have you seen the rocking do’s the soccer players in the World Cup have been sporting? They all have that little patch hanging out on the back. I don’t know who it was that suddenly decided that style was “in”, but I’m guessing he doesn’t own a mirror. So I continue my valient struggle against the back-scalp-patches that continue to proliferate the world. Who’s with me?!?


The Beautiful Game


Headed Southbound