Kicking off World Cup in London


— I am absolutely covered in beer.England had just scored in their first World Cup match against Italy. Plastic beer cups were flung across the London bar. I laughed, looked over at DeVon, and gave one more cheer for the Three Lions. It would be my last cheer for the English. They lost 2:1. Good ol' England!Three Lions on the shirt. C'mon England! (Don't show this to my German friends.)The London trip kicked off my own personal World Cup. London this weekend for the England v Italy match. Berlin next weekend for the Germany v Ghana match. Then onward to the States.There wasn't much sightseeing planned, and that, in itself, was part of the plan. DeVon, who recently moved to London, and his (Irish) girlfriend Ciara would play hosts to the weekend of football and beer. Allegiances were thrown out the window. We’d pick a bar and root like heck for that team, which is one way I found myself covered in beer during an England match in London.Things started with Netherlands – Spain on Friday. The Dutch bar was filled well beyond capacity, so we found a cold pint at the overflow pub across the street. Shoulder to shoulder with the Oranje, the place went absolutely mental as Holland obliterated Spain. We joined the Dutch crowds in the streets with post-match shouts of victory. You would have thought we owned a pair of wooden shoes ourselves.Hup Holland Hup! How many countries are you allowed to be a fan of?! (Again, don't show my German friends.)The next day, true to our plan of not having a plan, we wandered the streets of DeVo's home neighborhood of East London; birthday parties and grill parties and cans on the street, always within shouting distance of a TV showing World Cup matches. We stumbled upon an African market where I was able to buy an England shirt that would soon be covered in beer. Five pounds! G’won England!It all led up to that England v Italy match. The match itself, it had its moments, namely that equalizer that had me covered in English beer. Somewhat predictably though, England flamed out. Not to worry, we were chasing an atmosphere, not a victory. With their cheers and sarcastic jeers (“You could tell what he wanted to do, he just wasn’t good enough to actually do it.”), it was all so very English.Can't stop won't stop. World Cup!!!The next day, we grabbed the remaining cans in the fridge and walked along the Thames with a good broad smile about us. Given that it was my first time in London, I would be remiss not seeing more than a few soccer pubs (or would I?). London, with its massivity and multi-ethnicities reminded me of New York. DeVon’s neighborhood of East London reminded me of a richer Brooklyn (if you can believe that).It was time to go. Before missing the train that had absolutely nothing to do with the cans we had enjoyed throughout the day, we agreed that we’d share a really tourist weekend next time. For the moment though, I had to deal with a much more hectic and expensive departure than anticipated.World Cup!!! Just can't beat it!!!


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