It doesn't take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows


CD: Listen to the Arcade Fire. Their CD Funeral is amazing. The first ten seconds sets the redemptive, cathartic and uplifting tone that persists throughout the album. The lyrical majesty projecting a "We shall overcome" attitude lends itself to making this album one of the most emotionally charged things not heard since Jeff Buckley’s Grace found its way into my CD player. The album finally culminates into one emphatic howl of a lust-for-life ethic in the energetic Wake Up — "You better look out below!"

I was going to go for a run Thursday but I remembered one of my personal rules when it comes to running: "Thou shalt not run when snow tis be falling from the sky unto the ground". I put off my run for the next day and settled in to listen to the weatherman promise me that Spring would eventually get here. I promptly called him a liar and to this point  have been shown no facts that would alter my point of view of the man. I’m still waiting to make up my run.

I thought there was a law decreeing that no snow was allowed to fall after February 28th. Obviously there is no such law… that doesn’t mean there still shouldn’t be one. Until this law passes, you can find me in my apartment, longingly looking out my window for the days of spring (or at least "pre-spring", an actual german word) and sun and skin that isn’t as white as the snow on the ground.


Stopping the Motor of the World


Ha Ho He Hertha BS...