I'm not going back to Dublin

I'm not going back to Dublin.The Senior Vice President let me know of my new plans. I am wanted in the corporate headquarters: Kirkland, WA. My role will enlarge to encompass corporate marketing, instead of the silo-ed position I held in Dublin. A promotion. Grand, but, what about Dublin? There would be no compromise. I wasn't going back.Stunned. Shocked. I didn't give a proper response. I couldn't give a proper response. I hadn't actually processed the words.Now I get it. I'm not going back.I felt deceived. I had always been told I would be going back. The trip to Seattle was a four to six week layover while my visa was being processed. An Irish contract was waiting to be signed upon my return. Instead I was sent on a business trip without a return ticket. I'm still not sure when the decision was made internally. I only found out about it now.I felt angry. I was never asked about friends or plans or possessions that were still in Ireland. I haven't yet been offered a compensation package, though have been told something is coming. I haven't even been offered a full job description of this new role. My life was seemingly altered on someone else's whim and I had no say in any of it.I felt depressed. Of all of these feelings, this one remains most persistent. There were no goodbyes. No closure. Perhaps what hurts most is being robbed of my plans, goals, and dreams. I had plans to start a Project Management course in October. A Joyce Ulysses course in February. Travel plans. The next 18 months of my life were planned and now, suddenly, nothing. It leaves me feeling empty. Lost.Yes, I know, new plans can and will be made. But with everything in such a state of flux, I'm concentrating more on the here and now than goals for the future. Let's start with the simple: Where will I live next month?So there it is. I'm not going back to Dublin. I still don't think I believe it. It is though. The sooner I realize that, the better.


I Bought a Boat

