I'll take the National Religion of Texas for $100 please Alex

Weather: 30 Degrees. I'm sweating like a whore in Sunday School here!

CD: Buddy Holly

You know... as in football. REAL football. And its not that I don't respect the game of soccer. I think it's a great game. Exciting. Fun to play and to watch. The only problem is it's dominated by a bunch of whiny nancy boys who are more interested in taking off their shirt and exposing their freshly shaved chests than playing the man's game.

Last night I watched the Champions League Finale. Great game. Liverpool one-up-ed Milan in a shoot-out. And I personally was rooting for Liverpool. They speak English in Liverpool (or at least a variety of it). English speakers of the world unite!

After the game, the score board simply flashed the word "Winner". It was almost like the team had just won a cheesy 1980's video game. And no confetti. This is the Super Bowl of European soccer... and that's all you have to offer. Never underestimate the ability of an American to over-hype anything. And I love them because of that!

But I get so sick of the flops in the game however. Every single player falls down at the slightest touch, and if no whistle is blown, they do nothing but bitch about it for the next 30 seconds. There may be 11 players from each team on the field, but no more than 10 are ever playing at one time. There's always one pleading his bogus case to the referees. Be a man. Stand up, brush yourself off and get to work. It's like an entire league of Reggie Millers...

I also saw them bring a stretcher out in the middle of the game because a players leg was cramping up. It happened multiple times. Are you kidding me?!? For a cramp? I'm sick of the pansiness! Get in the game! The only times I've ever seen a strecher brought out in a (real) football game were when a guys leg was pointing in the wrong direction or a section of the spinal cord had been severed.

Another thing I'm sick of are the fans. Soccer fans are friggin horrible. They delight in breaking things, and it doesn't matter if their team wins or loses. Something will be broken. Go to a soccer game and tell me how many families/women you see there. What a joke! I miss the all day parties, the drinking binges, the street football, the grills, the Texas girls in their cowboy hats and denim/khaki skirts. Give me them anyday over these stupid hooligans who are pathetically trying to prove their toughness.

That save in the 117th minute of the Final WAS pretty ridiculous though.


Football is Sex Baby


Balling on a Budget