I Was Robbed

CD: Fettes Brot - " Moin moin…"

Weather: I see the sun in Berlin. What kind of alternative universe did I return to?

New (Copyrighted) Photos Added Here

Police Report

Date: 23./24. April, 2006

Time: Between the hours of 22.30 and 6.01

Place of Crime: Night train connecting Budapest with Prague

Nature of the Crime: Theft of object in worth of $200 (not including ridiculous amounts of taxes paid) / Worth of items in the object cannot be determined

Suspects: None

Crime Report: Victim was asleep alone in a Night Train passing between Budapest and Prague. Victim claims he was extremely tired given that he spent the evening before in a cramped bus seat carrying him from Sarajevo to Split and even slept through a border guard’s presence. Sometime during the night, an unidentified assailent slipped into victim’s compartment and removed a camera from a bag laying by the victim’s head. Included in the theft of the camera were photos from Sarajevo, Split and the last evening spent with the good people of Dubrovnik. Also missing is a cell-phone charger. Passport and wallet remain with victim.

Comments from the Victim: "I never knew how vulnerable sleep could leave you… At first I wanted to cry, in fact I did have tears in my eyes when I realized what had happened in the Prague train station. Then I got angry. Really angry. And quickly realized there was nothing I could do. Then I went through the ‘could’ves and would’ves and should’ves’, as in ‘I should’ve taken the bus’, but then remembered life doesn’t work that way, nor should I expect it to. I just take what happened and move on. Strong emotions still bubble up when I think about what happened so I find it best simply not to think about it. Ignorance is bliss… Perhaps the most unsettling part of the situation is that this action took place in my presence. Directly in front of me. I’m lucky no further harm was done."


Give a Shout, Take a Shout


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