Going to the Chapel...

Wedding ceremonies everywhere. If you’re planning on visiting Vilnius on a Friday or Saturday afternoon hoping to take a tour through its overwhelming collection of imposing churches, forget it. Weddings are going on one after the other. Throughout the entire city. If, on the other hand, you are planning a visit to Vilnius on a Friday or Saturday hoping to meet a very attractive bridesmaid suffering through that post-marital bliss/lonesomeness (you know who you are), you’ll be happier than a pig in dirt.

I haven’t seen such a ridiculous collection of dresses and suits since my Senior Prom.

The main Cathedral was on Jeff and my To-Do list Friday afternoon and we weren’t going to let some Wedding Ceremony stand in our way of appreciating the arts. So we simply joined in the wedding party. The last pew in the back offered a splendid yet well hid area for inspecting the inner architecture. Our viewing pleasure was only disturbed by the passing of the bride and groom as they exited the Cathedral (my view was blocked with everyone standing).

Not five minutes after one party left, the next party entered (this one speaking Spanish). Unwilling to go through two weddings in one day, we quietly slipped out. Unfortunately we missed the reception.


Blessed are the Clean of Heart


Angry Old Ladies and their Attempted Rule over the Vilnius Transportation System