From the Emerald Isle to the Emerald City (and back)

On the bedstand: Dubliners..Coming through the speakers: Work music, so plenty of noise rock. Brian Eno and Explosions in the Sky and the like.

Work offered me a two year visa to stay in Ireland. Needless to say, I accepted the offer.I need to be in the United States while the application is filed, so will spend July and August in the Rightside Seattle office. Summer in the Pacific Northwest -- heaven on earth (or so I've been told).All great news, obviously. I get a chance to build on the work I've done in a city I really enjoy. I also get a chance to check out Seattle for the first time, something that's been on my list for a while. That said, I still feel unsettled.I've ceded controlEverything now hinges on that visa. The application will go through many, many hands before a decision is made. It only takes one bad day for everything to fall apart. Sounds pessimistic, I know. I must still be healing from previous experiences with the German Auslaenderbehoerde.Carving my nicheThe move to Seattle will have me on my third office assignment with Rightside. I haven't even reached the six month point as a full-time employee. There are plenty of positives to gain from this, of course. Most of the execs are based in Seattle, which will allow proper introductions to personalities and work styles. There will also be new teams and slightly different views/objectives that are bound to impact the focus of my job description. I'll need to concentrate on my role, and keep that damned eight hour time zone difference between Seattle and Dublin in check.Another new cityFor the fourth time in the past two years, I'll call another city "home." Another apartment to find, more roommates to get acquainted with, more Meetup groups to join. Just two short months later, the process will repeat here in Dublin. New experiences are what I live for, undoubtedly, but all this movement has kept me from feeling settled. Moreover, I'm tired. I'm not 25 anymore. It's been a rocky couple of years. And I'm tired.I don't want this to come off as a negative post. It's not that at all. I've been afforded massive opportunities that will positively affect my life for many years to come. Whatever happens will be good. It's the uncertainty involved in getting there though. It's all got me feeling a bit unsettled.


Sea Kayaking. At Last.


You'll get him next time kid