Embrace the Absurdity


 Such a comically absurd picture.There I am, suspended in air. Am I moving up? Down? Sideways? Maybe I’m just hanging there.The scene is set with carnival rides and tents, yet a sense of isolation prevails. Where are all the people?Now listen. Do you hear how quiet that picture is? Even with the machine at the side, all there is to hear is suspension.That smile though, it’s still there. It’s a bemused smile, almost as if I understand and embrace the absurdity. I'm in on the joke too.This picture was taken at the Rightside company picnic and sums up my current outlook: Somewhat in limbo, but quite content to go it alone. Movement, yes, but which way? Only the next frame will tell.I hope to be back in Dublin next week to tie up the loose ends. Pick up my stuff, see some people, do a little work, and hopefully put some closure to the past. I’m sure there will be a couple of frames to tell the next part of the story.


Like I was Never Gone


I'm Staying in Seattle