Christmas Party

I have officially entered the Hell of business Christmas parties.

and it friggin’ sucks.

Mr. Sucker invited me to the annual gathering of bore-ons and overweight ex-communists here on the University. It was an invitation that included the term “It would be nice if you showed up”. I understand this term in many languages: its fundamental meaning was taught to me by my mother as a youth. “It would be nice if you showed up” directly translates, from any language, into “Be There!!! Or else…”

So I suffered through awkward moments with a culture that doesn’t understand small talk.

Then agonized through the calling of a raffle that lasted 2 hours long…a raffle I wasn’t even entered into.

Then laughed at the ubiquitous middle-aged woman wearing the short skirt (in the middle of winter) looking to go home with anybody at the party who would look at her.

I escaped early. Others were not so lucky.





The Haves and the HaveNots