Are You Employed Sir?


The job search that lasted much too long has finally been put to rest. I accepted a job with Demand Media: Start date October 1.The offer officially arrived the week I was supposed to start grad school in Seattle. I'd say it was perfect timing, but perfect timing would have been about 10 months ago. Let's just say sometimes everything hits at once.As would befit any new job, I'm still learning and fitting in to my proper job description. I do have a title though: Product Manager. Currently I'm overseeing the development of what will soon be about 40 different Top Level Domain microsites. Once they are live, my job description will evolve into promoting, analyzing, and optimizing the campaigns.First day of work. Tired bags under my eyes from an early morning cram session.You may remember that I alluded to a job interview while in Dublin. That interview was for a similar position, but based in Ireland. Obviously, I didn't get that specific job, but Demand Media was able to find a fit for me in the Austin office. The first six months of the job will be under contract here. Assuming everything goes well, I'll hopefully have the opportunity to move to their Seattle office when I sign on as a salaried employee.The first week was an absolute whirlwind. The fire hose was maxed and sipping was not allowed. We launched our first website on my fourth day, which provided an excellent opportunity to learn everybody's name. While demanding, I feel comfortable, and dare I say it, confident, with the work load. It also helps that I'm surrounded by a really bright team that's been very friendly and accommodating.As I settle in to the new position, my thoughts go out to all the people who helped me with the job search. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you're one of those people. Thank you! Thank you for your support, for looking over my resume and/or cover letter, for offering advice, and for believing in me enough that you endorsed me to your network. One of the most important take-aways from these trying past couple of months has been the understanding of just how powerful this network of support is. Thanks guys!The easy part is over. Now it's time to get to work!


Houston: Dynamic Dynamo


Remember das Alamo!