
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Paradise Found
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Paradise Found

The past few days have consisted little more than of lying by the beach or walking around inside the city walls. I made it out to an island which should have been referred to as a lesson in "How to Disappear Completely". After finding solitude at the top of a cragy volcano, I moved camp down to the beach and layed out.

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Viva la Croatie!!!
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Viva la Croatie!!!

Atop Dubrovnik sits an imposing fortress that only found its military purpose in the Siege of Dubrovnik during the Balkan wars of the early 1990’s. Today it is a shell of its emblematic glory but surves as a great look-out point for Adriatic sunsets and I naturally decided to take it up on its offer.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

You Can't Win Them All...

It was inevitable. They lost a game. A University of Texas sports team did not win the final game of the season. It’s an odd feeling as a Longhorn fan: losing. I don’t like it but it’s hard to complain. In the past 10 months, Texas has won 4 National Championships.

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Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh

This mischievious little muck-maker is one of the five-year-olds from my Friday classes. Recently we’ve been learning articles of clothing, and with my attention turned to a crying four-year-old (she had fallen out of her chair), Elias snuck behind the table and found my bag of shirts, pants and scarfs

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Stopping the Motor of the World
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Stopping the Motor of the World

The premise of the book is fascinating: a strike lead by the industrialists

This is just one of a number of reversed social paradigms that feeds into the philosophy of authro Ayn Rand. The philosophy of Objectivism and its egocentric tenents seemingly goes against everything we were indoctrinated to believe in from the beginning. Fairy tales and children’s stories teach us to look out for the common good. Masked heroes such as Robin Hood swing through our imaginations, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Jesus and Muhommad decreed that their followers should tithe to those less fortunate. And Ayn Rand has the gall to step forward and sweep it all away with a 1000 page manifesto extolling the merits of self-centered actions and the personal persuit of happiness.

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Kölle Alaaf!!!
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Kölle Alaaf!!!

"Out of control". That’s how the tour book described the mayhem of Karneval in Köln. It was more than enough to pique my interests and I found myself in the middle of the madness after a 6.5 hour hitchhiking ride with the Speaker to the Press for the Berlin faction of the FDP political party.

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Talk to Me
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Talk to Me

Yes, the ball was marvelous darling, thank you for asking… That old thing? That suit was just something I had lying around but yes, I was thinking I was looking pretty good in it myself. I got myself primped up in the room, told the guy in the mirror that he was a pretty good looking guy, then ran downstairs to find that everyone else was wearing tuxedos… Well, what could I do?

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See


Stumbled out of bed for a teaching gig early in the morning, stumbled back into bed immediately following the short gig, and tried my best to not leave its warm confines until now. I’ve been fairly successful in my attempts and have savored every minute of the re-coop time.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See


Things have been rocking and rolling and bumping and jumping ever since I made it back to Berlin topped off by a visit from Bret and Lee, one guy I didn’t know, the other I knew in passing, and they have really kept things going non-stop. They originally planned to stick around for about 3 days as they traversed Europe… one thing lead to another and they’re still here

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