
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Fried Twinkies
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Fried Twinkies

I helped host a visit from "The Flying Longhorns" last week. This is a group of Texas Exes innundating the cities of the globe spreading the good word that is Texas. The 25 of us settled into our places for lunch. I looked around and couldn’t help but notice that, aside from the fellow Berliner Texas Exes, I was the youngest person at the table by about six dog years. I can handle these situations though. I get along well with "the elderly".

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See


365 days ago my heart was in my throat. I couldn’t think, didn’t have much time for sleep; just put one foot in front of the other and it brought me to Germany. I didn’t have a clue as to what would happen after that, but I knew everything would be different.

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Houston Lives
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Houston Lives

Quick thanks to all wishing my family well back in Houston in regards to the hurricane. They hightailed it out of town on Wednesday night and made their way across the state visiting family along the way. Total damage incurred was a couple of tree limbs greeting them on the driveway and a warm fridgerator full of bad food. Nothing that can’t be fixed.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

One of those days...

3 missed trains. a kid wiped his nose on my (clean) shirt. a bag of fruit exploded on my (clean) pants. i went to the wrong kindergarten. when i finally got to the right one, i went hoarse yelling at the dang kids. kids are driving me insane. anyone hiring? off to do laundry (again)

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Effing Clint Wood
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Effing Clint Wood

Effing Clint Wood bought an effing school bus. I shhh… you not. Gosh darn hot dog. You wanna know what I miss about Texas? What I miss most? It’s watching my friends do some of the craziest things you could imagine and then sharing nothing but laughter with them.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Four Months and One Day until a Vacation in Pasadena, Ca.

In other news, I found myself singing the “Good Morning Song” with a group of 6 four-year-olds yesterday. I received money for these activities. A point of confused-clarition overcame me as I attempted to decipher just how I had reached this exact point in my life, in this building huddled in this city with this group of kids. If life has brought me here thus far, I can’t wait to see where I am ten years from now.

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"I just wanna dance!"
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

"I just wanna dance!"

Funny story: So last night Jan was out visiting a lady friend in Kiel so Zuzu and I took the open opportunity to raid his computer’s MP3s. His appreciation of music is “interesting” as my mom would call it. Things quickly lead into the greatest hits of the 80s/early 90s.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Just like money out the window...

So last night as I was walking home from the internet cafe (which stole my money and kicked me on the streets), I reached into my pocket to count how many coins were still there. I pulled them out and one got away. I watched the One Euro piece roll down the street—roll and roll… right into the gutter. Does it get any more poetic than that?

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

I am a walking ATM

Anybody need any money? I’ve got it. Anybody who wants it, apparently it’s yours. Deutsche Telekom. Sparkasse. Europacar. This internet cafe just “borrowed” about 7 euros. But who cares really—it’s just money afterall.

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Off to See the Wizard

Off to See the Wizard

Berlin, Berlin... finally. I have arrived. I rolled into town last Wednesday behind the wheel of a truck I had rented, which was neither very cheap nor completely legal, but few questions were asked at the leasing desk (not your usual line of German operations) and I was cruising with a heap of furniture loaned/bought from Keith. In the end I like to think everything worked to my favor.

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2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

Ich stehe bis zum Hals in der Scheisse...

aber der Ausblick ist gut!

The German Beaurocratic system is currently rocking my face. I thought I had a solid grasp of the situation until Friday afternoon grabbed me by the arm and quickly showed me who was in charge. To add to the mess, I never received a pack of important documents from back home, thus delaying my application for a visa (which runs out on 2. August) and keeping us from moving into our flat in Berlin. If things keep progressing at this rate, I’ll be slipping away to Poland for a week or two to escape the heat.

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Weiter Weiter Immer Weiter
2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

Weiter Weiter Immer Weiter

I was awoken this morning by four French girls singing “Champs Elysee” to me in an attempt to rouse me out of bed. Their method was surprisingly effective. To say that my life is amazing would be to cheapen the experience. This is an effect words were not created to describe. It must simply be felt.

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2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See


Woke up that morning well rested. After a nice breakfast of bread, the brothers and I split ways, them going for a ride up into the mountains, me sticking around town in hopes of seeing Lance and catching another ride. I was in the middle of nowhere-France and couldn’t afford to get stuck here as I had a train leaving Karlsruhe Germany at 4.40 that next morning.

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